
I Am Safe, I Am Sovereign, I Am Free

A little walk through the ‘simple’ Healing InSight Method for Belief Change with potential to bring us into vibrational alignment with “I am safe, I am sovereign, I am free”. 

This is a method that assists in the realisation of yourself as a creator being. Creating and shaping your reality, in service of the greater good, the highest timeline for humanity. When we shift, we shift the collective. 

If you wish to align, set your intention, give permission and follow along. Please share it onward … and let’s do this!

Watch the video below.

My offering to help us stay connected during this time

I’ve made some of my offerings free or discounted to help you during this time of great change – look for these at the end of the article.

My heart is with you all at this time. Although many are feeling the fear of the virus, there is also a lack of trust and a search for the truth. A little bit of a matrix moment – do we take the red pill or not? Many of us are sensing there is more going on than we realise and, as always, there is duality; the opposing forces of dark and light.

Choose your thoughts and focus at this time. Hold pure intent for the greater good for all.

First of all, my personal belief is that there is more going on than we are aware of. Secondly, we do not know exactly how this will pan out. However, and this is important: I do believe that the light is winning; that much will be disclosed and it won’t be pretty, but the truth and the light will prevail.

This uncertain pause, which brings up the fear in us, is more than ever an opportunity to step into our personal authority. Even within our homes we can ask the question: “how do I want to manage my time?” — to take back the power, our sovereignty, and to make choices that serve us all. Being the change and using the power of belief and intention is always beneficial and we can collectively do this now. When feeling powerless (fear is giving our power away to an unknown future) a good question is to ask: “what can I do?”, and then take inspired action.

I have asked myself this question and have stocked up on dry nutritional goods. I have done plenty of meditation, plenty of research; allowing time for heart reconnection with my family. I am mindful not to be misled by the media – there is a lot of untruth and panic circulating. Fear is disabling; notice it and disengage. A strong immune system comes from a relaxed mind and body. When in a state of ‘rest and digest’, the body is working towards internal health, fighting internal invaders (eg. viruses) and not outwardly preparing to ‘fight the tiger’. Avoid sugar and too much mobile phone radiation – this weakens the immune system. Eat well, sleep well, drink, rest and play. See for research or more trusted information.

5 star reviewed

If you haven’t bought my book: it is full of healer wisdom, and a tool to change your vibration. You can order through me here, or through Amazon here.

100% discount on red-level supportive resources!

I spend most days helping people to clear their blocks and obstacles to wellbeing through energy healing work, energy psychology, belief work and heart-led counselling. At this time of benevolence, service, awakening and reconnection, I am offering access to these tools for free in my red-level resources. I will be adding more videos on EFT, energy clearing techniques from qigong and energy medicine, and several belief alignments for you to follow along to.

Please purchase your red-level resources here using the code “easeandgrace” which gives you 100% off of the usual price. I will also share these in my Facebook group, so join me to stay connected.

I also offer monthly ‘orange membership’ zoom connect calls on the last Sunday of each month at 7.30pm, GMT, plus a monthly newsletter. These are themed around certain relevant topics and facilitated belief alignments. Access is just £11 a month. You can sign up here.

We know we can create through our vibration, our mind, thoughts and intention. Peace experiments (researched by Lynne McTaggart) have been demonstrated to work. NOW is THE time to come together to ‘intend a peaceful, loving and healthful outcome for humanity and for the Earth, in alignment with the original Divine plan‘. Please join in prayer and intend the above for at least 68 seconds.

Important affirmations

A few important affirmations (or belief alignments, if you have learned the Healing InSight method) are listed below. Please remember, this is not wishful thinking, this is metaphysics; we can create our desired reality!

  • I trust in humanity’s benevolence.
  • I trust in humanity’s wellbeing.
  • I trust myself.
  • I trust in things working out.
  • I am safe, loved and supported.
  • I am compassion in action
  • I create the world in which I choose to exist.
  • My immune system is strong and healthy.
  • I have all that I need.
  • We are a united family of one.
  • There is peace, love and benevolence on Earth.

50% discount on the online video training!

Usually £199, lifetime access in your membership portal.

If you wish to learn the transformational Healing InSight Method, I have created a series of videos that walk you through the method, with demonstrations and case studies, giving you the tools to change the way you feel, think, and to take command of your own life. You can purchase this currently at a 50% discount and this includes all the red-level resources for free, so grab this while you can in these times of great change to help you navigate the unknown. The coupon code is “empowered“.

Hope to see you online for heart connection and alignments.

Sending oodles of love, ease and grace,

Nikki x

What’s On.. with Healing InSight!

Healing InSight Play Day

It’s been asked for, and now it’s here: I’m holding the first ‘play day’ this coming Sunday, 12th January. This is for those of you who came together on the courses over the last year and would like to reconnect with each other and the method.

Come and join us, set your intentions for the year ahead and be supported through a few alignments. Plus, it is an extraordinary day astrologically speaking, which is perfect for sinking into the energy of the group and, with qigong and meditation, using the space to adjust to your possibility within the new frequencies!

It’s 10-4pm at Cowdray Hall. Bring lunch.

Monthly Membership

Excited to announce that the orange level – online membership platform is now launched! Click on the link below to learn more. Monthly topics (the last Sunday of each month), connection, meditation, collective energy readings and loads of guidance on belief change as we transition in these times of change. It is time to shed the old belief structures and welcome in the New.

Join me for just £11 per month, via zoom – an easy (free) platform to learn – and keep your vibration rising. If you try it and its not for you, you can cancel at any time. No commitment, nothing hidden, just an offering of connection. The recordings—if you miss one—will be in your membership portal for when you have time.

Love, ease and grace,

Nikki x

Our Newsletter

Sign up now to get my 15-minute qigong warm-up video, and chakra balancing colour meditation.

How-tos and articles, news of my Healing InSight workshops and updates on book launches, card decks and other future offerings—all delivered straight to your inbox!

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