• Healing InSight Practitioner Training (green level)

    10 Lessonsin

      Thanks for joining the Practitioner Training! After you have finished your training, you’ll need to complete the following in order to be accredited as a Healing InSight Practitioner: Exam Case study

    • Healing InSight Self-Help Training

      31 Lessonsin
      • Healing InSight® Self-Help training - £199.00 £144.00
      • Healing InSight® Self-Help Training pre-recorded online course - £199.00 £144.00
      • Healing InSight® Self-Help Training pre-recorded online course - £199.00 £144.00
      • Healing InSight® Self-Help Training live workshop - £275.00

      The yellow level training is a self-help healing modality to assist with the transformation of negative beliefs into positive ones in the subconscious mind. It is the transformation of these beliefs that releases emotion and allows for new experiences and new frequencies of vibration within our being.

      Preview this course - (1 preview lessons)

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