Learn about Nikki's new method for self-guided healing through belief change

Nikki’s powerful new Healing InSight® Method, drawn from her deep dive into mind-body-spirit thriving, points a metaphorical compass at the belief alignments that will transform unhelpful beliefs in your subconscious mind. The method, gifted in the book, online course and in-person workshops, facilitates energetic and transformative shifts from the old programs to the New.

The ‘go-to’ tools for daily life contained in the course and the Healing InSight® book allow you to free yourself from unhelpful patterns, journey to a better feeling state and uniquely and tangibly align yourself with positive, life-enhancing beliefs and vibration.

Healing InSight® offers a way to find liberation from disempowerment; freedom from limitations, lack and old limiting or self-depreciating beliefs; deepens your connection to heart-based living and empowers you to become all that you are.

You can now enjoy for guidance and help to stay positively polarised, the colourful, inspirational Chakra Cards for Belief Change.

View the Healing InSight® possibilities

News and events

Nikki works in Midhurst West Sussex, or online and so you can access Intuitive Counselling, Energy Psychology, Psych-K®, Reiki or Healing InSight® for yourself.

A combination of personal sessions, in-person and online courses, meditation zoom calls, and UK and Ireland-based workshops and retreats, mean you can learn transformative tools, gather personal insights and be supported along your awakening journey.

She also drops into her Facebook group and shares on her YouTube channel, to assist with the nudge for your own self empowerment. Do join her if you’re curious, need help shifting your vibration and would like to be part of creating the reality we wish to see!

Nikki offers:

Weekly  guided meditation group calls, (recordings will be available as part of membership or available for individual purchase).

Monthly Friday evening Chakra Dancing Class with Crystal Singing Bowls

Monthly Healing Day Retreats for all  or for reiki trained practitioners in the form of Healing for the Healers Days.

Nikki also leads UK-based Reiki practitioner training in West Sussex and Healing InSight Training with a New and exciting week long Retreat & therapeutic immersion with optional practitioner training add-on..

Weekly meditations (online)
Alternate Mondays

Reiki Play & Heart Coherence Day
August 11, 2024.

Chakra Dancing with Crystal Bowls Evening
September 27, 2024.

Reiki 1 Training (in-person)
August 24–25, 2024.

Book your place

Counselling and individual therapies

Nikki’s psychology practice is based in Midhurst, West Sussex and online (counselling, energy psychology and healing are all possible online).

She said, “I find that integrating energy psychology and healing work into my psychology practice is highly effective. The process of therapy involves a flow of communication, expression, discovery and clearing what does not serve us, enabling room for our true authentic magnificent selves to shine.

As an intuitive natural healer, trained in various modalities and a chartered counselling psychologist, I am equipped to help most people through their struggles. My background has been in mental health, drug dependency, trauma and women’s therapy, with a special interest in health, spiritual emergence and heart-centred work.”

Learn more about counselling with Nikki

Reiki practitioner training

Reiki is a sacred journey of service to other occurring through both reiki practice and the individual reiki journey of raising one’s consciousness into self-mastery. Embark upon the journey, become steeped in the ancient spiritual wisdom of Masters and deepen your own healing—or remembering—of your truer nature.

Reiki training takes place in person with courses currently in Midhurst (West Sussex). Please enquire, once I have a number of interested people, I will book in a training. It works best organically like this.

Find out more

A Welcome from Nikki

Thank you for visiting. Life is a journey for sure, and it has taken many of us many life times to get to this point. At this rising of consciousness, we are seeking more peace, more love. We need to make sense of the big picture, find the meaning and re-connect and embody, here on earth, here-now, to our soul/higher selves mission.

We are the potential, we are the answers we seek and we are not and have never been alone in our journey. The veil is lifting and as it does we are going through tremendous clearings and shifting of the old paradigm. It looks messy and chaotic from the outside, yet from inside the eye of the storm, I do believe that peace is emerging, that the light is winning and that we can live in harmony with each other and our beautiful Gaia. To do this, we must come to know the self that exists beyond the ego, the conditioning, expectations and previously formed identities; we must unplug from the false matrix and narratives and come to recognise and utilise the power of the light inside. It is this inner navigation that will place us on the organic timeline for humanity. 

My life(s) have taken me on a journey of healing. I am a healer at my core, a bringer of light, able to sit in the dark and turn the light on, for I have discovered that it is inside of me, that I am connected to Source, to the Christ light of unconditional love and unity. My offerings within this website are to share this and the tools to enable you to shine the light and potential within you.

If you would like to work with me individually, I’d love to hear from you, get in touch.

Learn more about Nikki's journey


Join the Healing InSight® Community

Due to following my personal mission live and create H.O.M.E. Heaven On Mother Earth, I have closed the Healing InSight Community for the time being. I’m excited to share in the following months, upcoming events that will be in the service and creation of H.O.M.E.


Blogs / Articles

My New Chakra Cards – a Walkthrough

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Nikki interviewed by Dr. Pat Baccili, 13th August 2020

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I Am Safe, I Am Sovereign, I Am Free

A little walk through the ‘simple’ Healing InSight Method for Belief Change with potential to bring us into vibrational alignment with “I am safe, I am sovereign, I am free”.  This is a method that assists in the realisation of yourself as a creator being. Creating and shaping your reality, in service of the greater

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About the Healing InSight Method, May 2020

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My offering to help us stay connected during this time

I’ve made some of my offerings free or discounted to help you during this time of great change. My heart is with you all at this time. Although many are feeling the fear of the virus, there is also a lack of trust and a search for the truth.

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What’s On.. with Healing InSight!

Healing InSight Play Day It’s been asked for, and now it’s here: I’m holding the first ‘play day’ this coming Sunday, 12th January. This is for those of you who came together on the courses over the last year and would like to reconnect with each other and the method. Come and join us, set

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